Friday 25 April 2014

Really I don´t like technology very much, but in the actual context it is weird not to  use technology so I don’t have many options.
However I have one piece of technology: It´s my cell phone, I take it everywhere! I use it to check my email, my Facebook, my whatsapp, to call friends, family and to listen to music in the morning trip.
I use it many times a day, I don’t know How many  times exactly but I know that it is many times a day because I really like it, it is useful, it’s has the perfect size for  my hand, and I got it  for my birthday last year.

My life without it would probably be different because I fell disconnected from the world, from my friends, my boyfriend, my family, my classmates, etc. (224 words)

Friday 11 April 2014

Expectations for a new semester

This semester I have a lot of subjects, I have eight! Among them: community, learning, history, dance, education evaluation, initial practice, case study, and English class. This subject is very interesting, I like very much dance and history, I like dance in particular because I can move and develop my creativity and I like history because this subject is very critic with history and it works with history from another perspective, different to the traditional history perspective.
I don’t like to much the learning subject, because I get bored in that class and its focus is not very appropriate to me. I am taking an extracurricular class at the moment, it is theater pedagogy and I really like it, it is very exhausting but very funny.
All these subjects make me feel scared because they are so many! And I fear that time will not be in enough.

Well my expectations with are to do all the best I can, that is to say, pass all my subjects, spend time with my family and my friend and of course, free time for relaxing and sleep. (187 words)
My name is Meliza Osorio, i was born in October 8, 1993, and so, I’m Libra!
Oh! My elementary and my high school I did it in Maria Teresa Cancino school, but now I’m studying education in University of Chile.
Now I will share a little info of my family: my dad’s name is Germán Osorio. Mi mom is Maritza Espinosa, and he is a welder, and she is a nurse; I have a little brother, his name is German, he is 13. Well I have a pet, It’s is a puddle toy dog its name is Principe.

My hobbies: listening to music, going to the cinema, go walking and eating sushi, I love it! I also enjoy photography and spending time with my family, my friends and my classmates.